This course is aimed at those with little or no sailing experience and looking to get out on the water to try it out under expert supervision , this course will be 3 x 2 hour morning sessions and will cover:
1. How to sail in all directions
2. how to rig and setup a keelboat
3. Safety and basic sailing rules
4. practical experience of helming and crewing a keelboat.
These sessions will be have one experienced sailor with two attendees so will be a great opportunity to get hands on .
There will be opportunity to crew in the afternoon for participants to practice knowledge and gain further time on water , this is optional but recomended. Approx time is 1-5.
Dates are conditional on weather, in cases of extreme wind the session may be postponed.
A ge 16+
Course Dates
Saturday 24th , 31st May + 7th Of June 2024 Book your place